The project is coordinated civic association Sosna, attended by partners from 9 European countries and will last two years. The project supported by the European Union of the Erasmus program plus. The first partners meeting took place on 20-21. October in EKOCENTR SOSNA in cooperative over Hornádom, circular 17th
During 14th-15th March meet the Life from Soil project partners in Pisa to discuss the project further implementation. The meeting was hosted by the Pisa University organization CIRAA ( Research Center). The participants during two days discussed the project managemet related agenda including the communciation, webpage, reporting and dissemination issues. The project partners announced the terms and program for the learning/teaching mobilities – opportunities for consortia staff. The training will be also the most popular – almost 14 participants will in beginning of May visit the UK (Ryton gardens) to learn about the organic gardening, horticultural therapy and operation of community gardens. During the second day a concept of social farming was presented and demonstrated by the hosts and the work packages leaders introduced the concepts for the work on intellectual outputs production.