The learning session in Slovenia was focused on community and NEET (young person who is “Not in Education, Employment, or Training”) involvement in education for sustainable development, volunteering and internship as important part of education.
The Biotechnical Centre in Naklo hosted the LFS mobility in April 2016. The participants learnt about the structure and functions of the centre and discussed the current programmes and projects of the centre. The emphasis was given on the use of agro-ecological approaches that take into account the characteristics of the local environment and tradition beside innovation aspects. The participants were shown the green walls, a pilot aquaponics project, classrooms in nature and the bee house. They visited the Learning polygon for self-sufficiency in Dole for permaculture and ecoremediation where they learnt about this particular self-sufficiency approach. The participants had a chance to participate in international conference VIVUS within the mobility that dealt with global challenges in agronomy, food technology and preservation of ecosystems. This offered an opportunity to disseminate the project idea among hundreds of participants.